The 79,500 readers of “Hochparterre” found the architecture magazine in good company today. The themed booklet “Urban hub” deals comprehensively with the redesign of the railway station and station square St. Gallen, traces the history of planning and construction, and pays tribute to the station’s new role as an “urban space networker”. The various elements of the redesign, from the arrival hall to the pedestrian underpass, are vividly presented and architectural and urban planning aspects are discussed, for example in a dialogue with some of the key project managers. Finally, the booklet designers take a look beyond the borders of Eastern Switzerland and compare which station construction projects have been and are being pursued elsewhere.
A successful photo gallery makes clear how practical and self-evident the new station square is now anchored in the everyday life of St. Gallen as an “urban hub”.
As structural engineers involved in all projects, we enjoy reading this booklet, as it reminds us impressively of 10 years of project planning and realization with extraordinary challenges.