The end of the year is close and also the time of consciousness, silence and reflection. Just in time for this festive season, the institute of constructive design of the ZHAW published the successful publication “Elementare Bücher zum konstruktiven Entwerfen”. Due to its inventive concept, the book awakes the enthusiasm for reading and arouse the desire to keep reading. This piece of work gathered around 100 literature recommendations, which are presented and commented individually by the members of the institute and selected guest authors. The literary arc spans a long way, from the theory and history of the design process to the structure, construction, building material and belletristic works – from Gottfried Semper to Pier Luigi Nervi, Heinz Hossdorf and Peter Rice to Kafka’s “Der Bau” or Bernhard’s “Korrektur”.
Quite a few of the conceived classic books have been out of print. For this case, the book encourages you to visit second-hand bookshops or libraries. Daniel Meyer was also among the authors. Daniel Meyer was also among the authors. In his role as a lecturer in planning of structural framework, he had the joyful and challenging task of studying and commenting on Udo Thönnissen’s “Reciprocal Frameworks”, the “Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure” edited by Aita Flury, and “Glas als Tragwerk” by Jan Wurm.