Conversion of Brühlgasse 37, St. Gallen

Client Senn Resources, St. Gallen
Architects Rothen Architektur, Winterthur
Planung 2015-2018
Execution 2018-2020
Construction cost 3.5 Mio. CHF
Services Structure:
Design phase
Tender documentation phase
Execution phase
Photos Daniel Ammann (Endzustand)
Lüchinger+Meyer (Bauphase)
Topics CommercialIndustry/tradeRefurbishmentConcrete constructionFair faced concrete

The project involved the conversion of the cinema at Brühlgasse 37 on the outskirts of the old town of St. Gallen into an office building with a restaurant. The existing eight-story building (built in 1961) is a solid construction. The special feature of the conversion was the restriction of the building perimeter to the lower four floors. The ground floor and the second floor, in which the two-story cinema hall was located, were completely demolished and replaced by new buildings in the course of the construction measures. The other upper floors were left in their original state of construction and use. Correspondingly complex were the deconstruction measures, which were accompanied by extensive interception and securing measures as well as permanent construction supervision. The new structures were made of reinforced concrete, and the existing structures were reinforced in some areas. In parallel, the necessary measures to ensure earthquake safety were implemented.