The slightly different farmstead

In mid-March, the cantonal government and the cantonal master builder jointly waved the spade at the ceremonial “groundbreaking “. Meanwhile, somewhat more efficient digging tools have continued the excavation, the first piles are being set – the start of the extensive expansion of the Bachtel Enforcement Centre in Ringwil. Five years after the success in the competition, the project “Das Gehöft” of the VZ Bachtel Loewensberg Gross Ghisleni consortium in cooperation with Lüchinger+Meyer civil engineers can now move towards its realisation. By 2021, the five new buildings for prison, work and agricultural operations are to be completed and will be available to the 94 inmates in open prison and around 50 employees.

Since 1881, the Canton of Zurich has been operating today’s Bachtel Prison Centre in Ringwil in the municipality of Hinwil, which already had to undergo several extensions and structural adjustments during its existence. The current project envisages a “cleanup ” of the inhomogeneous and partially dilapidated building ensemble and an expansion with modern and sustainable facilities. The cantonal council approved a loan of 44.5 million francs for this purpose.